How To Check How Many Demerit Points You Have? (NSW, VIC, SA, QLD) Online

How to check demerit points - How many demerit points that is depends on where we live. The most common misconception regarding the demerit-point system is that we start with a specific number of points, and every offence recorded counts we down to 0 (zero), where a licence suspension awaits.

Actually, every driver in Australia begins with a demerit point balance of 0 (zero), and offences add points until we hit a pre-determined number.

In Victoria, the magic number is a predictably low 11, while in Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland it's 12.

In NSW, we can accumulate up to 13 points before we'll be taking a 3-month – or longer – break from the road.

The risks are higher if we're a new driver, with L- and P-plate demerit points limited to just four right across Australia. And they really can accrue quickly.
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How To Check Demerit Points NSW?

As a driver we start with zero demerit points. If we commit an offence that has a demerit point penalty, they are then added to our driving record.

If we reach or exceed the maximum demerit points allowable for our licence within a 3-year period, our licence could be suspended, or it might not be renewed.

The demerit point check will display any active demerit points we've accrued within the last three years and four months.

This is to allow time for any unpaid penalties, or penalties delayed due to appeal proceedings, to be added to our driving record.

We can check our demerit point balance online using our MyServiceNSW Account.

How To Check Demerit Points Online - NSW?

  • Click this button to go to the page
  • Log into our MyServiceNSW Account, or sign up now. If our account is new or it was not previously connected to Roads and Maritime, enter our NSW driver licence details, or the plate number of a vehicle registered in our name.
  • Accept the Terms and Conditions.
  • Review our demerit points record.

How To Check Demerit Points VIC?

Infamously, living in Victoria is akin to a mobile Hunger Games, with car-hating authorities forever dreaming up new and inventive ways to catch drivers doing the wrong thing, be it hiding speed cameras under camouflage netting (really, this happens), or secreting them under bridges, pedestrian overpasses or in the back of unmarked vans.

If we live and drive in Victoria, we have probably already lost our licence, but just in case we haven't, drivers can accrue 11 demerit points, while P- or L-plate drivers get four.

How To Check Demerit Points Online - VIC?

Visit a VicRoads centre with our Evidence of Identity by clicking this button to go to the page

Or, call 1300 728 977 (24 hrs, 7 days a week) and have our licence/learner permit details ready.

Both of these services are free of charge.

Please note: if we have an overseas licence (or no licence) we won’t be able to use this service. Please call 13 11 71 and speak to one of their staff.

How To Check Demerit Points SA?

Demerit points in South Australia apply from the date the offence was committed and are erased 3 years after that date.

A court may reduce the number of demerit points for an offence, or make an order made that no demerit points are imposed if there is any ‘proper cause’, or if the offence was ‘trifling’.

They will exceed our demerit points in South Australia if:

  • We hold a Learner’s permit or a provisional licence and we accrue 4 or more demerit points. We will be disqualified for 6 months.
  • We hold a Full licence and we accrue 12 or more demerit points. We will be disqualified:
  • For 12 to 15 points, 3 months
  • For 16 to 20 points, 4 months
  • For more than 20 points, 5 months.
Drivers in South Australia can check Demerit points balance online by clicking button below.

How To Check Demerit Points Online - QLD?

The Queensland demerit-point system is about on par with the rest of the country, with fully licensed drivers allowed to accrue 12 demerit points, with L- and P-plate drivers allowed just four.

Queenslanders can check demerit point balance online by clicking this button.

This free online service allows us to check:
  • If we have accumulated demerit points on our traffic history
  • The status of our Queensland driver licence
  • The class/es and type/s of licence we hold.
The service will show the number of demerit points we have accumulated during the period appropriate to our driver licence type.

Understanding Your Licence and The Demerit Point System

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