How to solve a rubix cube - To successfully solve the Rubik's cube, we will need to follow a precise method. This method is made of different steps. To go step by step, we will need to do a sequence of moves, also called algorithms.
The Rubik's cube solution that we're introducing here is short and simple. If it's correctly understood and learned, it will allow us to solve (with some practice) every Rubik's cube, regardless of the scramble in under 40 seconds.
Rubik's Cube Definition
Rubik's Cube invented in 1974 by Ernő Rubik (a Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture). Originally called the Magic Cube, the puzzle was licensed by Rubik to be sold by Ideal Toy Corp.
In 1980, Rubik's Cube won the German Game of the Year special award for Best Puzzle that year. As of January 2009, 350 million cubes had been sold worldwide making it the world's top-selling puzzle Page on game. It's widely considered to be the world's best-selling toy.
What is a Rubik's Cube?
A Rubik's or (misspelled as Rubix) cube is a mechanical puzzle in the shape of a cube which is comprised of 26 smaller cubes, with a rotating mechanism in the middle. To solve the puzzle, the user must rotate the smaller cubes so that each face of the larger cube is a uniform color. Cubing, as working on the Rubik's cube is known, is an international pastime, and it is even possible to attend speed cubing championships and other competitions dedicated to showcasing cubing skills.
Rubik's Cube Dimensions
What are the standard dimensions for a rubik's cube?
A standard Rubix Cube measures 5.7 cm (2.25 inch) on each side. The puzzle consists of 26 unique miniature cubes, also called "cubies" or "cubelets".
Each of these includes a concealed inward extension that interlocks with the other cubes while permitting them to move to different locations.
However, the centre cube of each of the 6 faces is merely a single square façade; all six are affixed to the core mechanism.
These provide structure for the other pieces to fit into and rotate around. So there are 21 pieces: a single core piece consisting of three intersecting axes holding the six centre squares in place but letting them rotate, and 20 smaller plastic pieces which fit into it to form the assembled puzzle.
On the original classic Rubix Cube, each of the 6-faces was covered by 9-stickers, each of one of 6-solid colours: white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow.
The current version of the cube has been updated to coloured plastic panels instead, which prevents peeling and fading.
In currently sold models, white is opposite yellow, blue is opposite green, and orange is opposite red, and the red, white and blue are arranged in that order in a clockwise arrangement. (source: wikipedia.)
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube For Beginners Method
Rubik’s Cubes are a great way to impress our friends and family. While solving one shows others how creative we are, it's also a great way to pass time, de-stress, or take our mind off other things.
Learning to solve a Rubix Cube requires patience and persistence. We will not be able to learn how to solve the cube by following the instructions in one time only; it will require reading through multiple times.
It recommends reviewing a few steps and learn to master them before moving on. If we're serious about learning to solve the Rubik’s Cube we will want to pay attention to how pieces move around the cube when we are making turns. Understanding the outcome of our moves will help us grasp how to put pieces where we want them.
A traditional Rubix Cube (3x3) has 6-faces (sides) and 3-types of pieces. It's important to understand that the center pieces never move in relation to the other center pieces.
For example, the white center piece is always opposite the yellow centerpiece. Please note that if the Rubix Cube comes apart, we should always put it back together solved, or we will likely put it back together in an unsolvable state.
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube For Beginners Step By Step (With Pictures)
This method of solving the Rubix Cube will be outlined in 7-parts.
Create a 2x2 Block (Steps 1-6)
Add to the 2x2 Block to Create a 3x2 Block (Steps 7-10)
Fixing the Inverted Edges (Step 11)
Finish the Bottom 2-Layers (Steps 12-13)
Place the Remaining Corners in the Correct Places (Steps 14-15)
Twist the Top Corners (Steps 16-18)
Place the Remaining Edges (Steps 19-20)
At the beginning of each part, We will include a brief description of the desired outcome for the part. Within the steps, we will list the turns we made on our Rubik’s Cube to compete the step. We will also include pictures of how our Rubik’s Cube looks when making each turn.
Rubik’s Cube: Terminology
Face: A side of the cube.
Center Piece: A 1-color piece in the center of a face.
Edge Piece: A 2-color piece between corner pieces. There are 12-edge pieces on a Rubix Cube.
Corner Piece: A 3-color piece. There are 8-corner pieces on a Rubix Cube.
Layer: A 3x1 set of pieces that can be turned on the Rubix Cube.
Top Layer (T): The layer on the top of the cube.
Bottom Layer (b): The layer on the bottom of the cube.
Front Layer (F): The layer we are looking at.
Back Layer (B): The layer opposite the layer we're looking at.
Right Layer (R): The layer on the right side of the cube.
Left Layer (L): The layer on the left side of the cube.
Turn: A ¼ rotation of a layer in a clockwise direction. For turns in the counterclockwise direction, the notation will be underlined. For example, T tells us to turn the top layer ¼ rotation in a counterclockwise direction.
Double Turn: A ½ rotation of a layer in a clockwise direction and is notated by a ( ' ' ). For example, 'R' tells us to turn the right-face 2-turns in a clockwise direction.
Part[1]: Create a 2x2 Block (Steps 1-6)
Step1: Create a 2x2 Block
step 1
We recommend always starting with the white center on top until we start to recognize the patterns of the cube. For this section we will be setting 1-corner (white/red/blue corner) and 3-edge pieces (white/red, white/blue, and blue/red) next to the appropriate centers to create a 2x2-block on the corner of the cube. (Note: The picture above is the initial position of the cube.)
Step2: Locate the White/red/blue Corner and Place It in the Correct Position.
step 2
Turns: F
The white/red-edge is in the correct place; however, it is inverted.
Step3: Twist Red/white Edge
step 3-a
step 3-b
Turns: 'R', T
The blue/white-edge from the last picture can be worked into place while twisting the red/white-edge.
Step4: Connect the Red/white Edge With the Red/white/blue Corner
step 4-a
step 4-b
step 4-c
step 4-d
step 4-e
Turns: F, L, R, F, R
The red/white-edge is now in place. We will add the blue/white-edge next.
Step5: Place Blue/white Edge.
step 5-a
step 5-b
step 5-c
step 5-d
Turns: F, R, F
The blue/white-edge is now in place. Next, we will add the blue/red-edge, but first we need to locate it on the cube. No turns were made for the last picture in this section. The cube has been rotated to view a different face; however, we will rotate the red-face to the front before continuing.
Step6: Complete 2x2 Block
step 6-a
step 6-b
step 6-c
step 6-d
Turns: B, T, R, T
Notice how the white/blue/red-corner now creates a 2x2-block on the Rubix Cube. Part[1] is complete.
Part[2]: Add to the 2x2 Block to Create a 3x2 Block (Steps 7-10)
Step7: Create 1x2 Block to Add to the 2x2 Block
step 7
In this section we're going to create a 1x2 and add it to the 2x2 to create a 3x2-block. We need the white/blue/orange-corner and the white/orange and blue/orange-edge. The idea is to add to the 2x2 without moving the pieces we have already placed.
No turns made in this section. The entire cube was rotated to place the orange center as the right-layer and the green center as our top-layer.
We should to locate the pieces we want to add to the 2x2. We have noted the corner piece we need is located in the top-layer in the opposite corner we're looking at while the 2-edges pieces we need are next to the orange center.
Step8: Pair the Blue/Orange Edge With the Blue/Orange/White Corner
step 8-a
step 8-b
Turns: R, B
The blue/orange-edge is now paired with the blue/orange/white-corner. The orange/white-edge in now located on the bottom of the right-layer.
Step9: Pair the Orange/White Edge With the Blue/Oragne/White Corner
step 9-a
step 9-b
step 9-c
step 9-d
step 9-e
step 9-f
step 9-g
Turns: 'R', T, B, 'R', T, 'R', T
We now have a 1x2-block on the right-layer.
Step10: Add the 1x2 Block to the 2x2 Block
step 10-a
step 10-b
step 10-c
Turns: 'R'
Note: We now have a 3x2-block completed. No turns in the 2nd or 3rd picture. We will notice that the layers with the green and yellow centers can be turned without breaking up the 3x2. Part[2] is complete.
Part[3]: Fixing the Inverted Edges (Step 11)
Step11: Twist Incorrect Edges
step 11-a
step 11-b
step 11-c
In this stage, we will be twisting any edge pieces that are inverted. There are 7-edges remaining, and they will be inverted in pairs; either 2, 4, or 6-edges will be incorrect (at least one will be in the correct position or possibly all will be correct).
The remaining edge pieces will belong to 1 of the untouched faces (yellow and green). We want to ensure the edges with green actually touch the green center when aligned and the same for the yellow-edges. If they don't touch, we'll need to twist them.
Let start by placing our 3x2 block in the bottom-corner with the green center on top and the yellow center on the right-layer.
Note: No turns made in the 1st picture. Rotated entire cube to position the yellow-face on the right and the green-face on the top.
Identify 2 incorrect edges and place them each in 1 of the marked positions in the 2nd picture. Be sure not to break the 3x2 while placing the edges into the needed positions. We will only need to rotate the top and right-layers to put them into place.
Turns: F, T, F
No pictures for the turns; however, we will repeat this step until all edges are twisted correctly and the edges match up similar to the last picture. Part[3] is complete when all edges are correct.
Part[4]: Finish the Bottom 2-Layers (Steps 12-13)
Step12: Add a Corner and Two Edges
step 12-a
step 12-b
step 12-c
step 12-d
step 12-e
step 12-f
step 12-g
step 12-h
step 12-i
step 12-j
Next, we will be adding the orange/yellow/blue corner along with the orange/yellow edge and the yellow/blue edge. We're going to continue to work with the orange center as the front-layer and the yellow center as the right-layer.
Be sure to follow the yellow/red/blue corner and the yellow/red edge through the turns to see how to move them through the cube’s right and top-layer without breaking the areas we have already built.
The bottom two layers and Part 4 is complete.
Part[5]: Place The Remaining Corners in The Correct Places (Steps 14-15)
Step14: Identify Incorrect Corners
step 14-a
step 14-b
For this part we aren't concerned with turning the corners the correct way (with green on top). What we want to do is ensure they're in the correct positions in relation to the centers and each other.
Note: Turned the top layer to align some of the corners in the correct places. Notice in the 1st picture that the green/red/yellow corner and the green/red/white corner are in the correct positions. No turns for the 2nd picture. We rotated to cube to view the other 2-corners. The green/yellow/orange corner and the green/orange/white corner are in the wrong position.
Using the following algorithm with the 2-incorrect corners on the right side of the top-layer, we can swap the 2-incorrect corners.
Step15: Swap Incorrect Corners
step 15-a
step 15-b
step 15-c
step 15-d
step 15-e
step 15-f
step 15-g
step 15-h
Turns: L, T, R, T, L, T, R, 'T'
Notice the green/white/orange corner and the green/yellow/orange corner have swapped places. We can use this algorithm as many times as required to place the incorrect corners. Once all corners have been placed, we have complete Part[5].
Part[6]: Twist the Top Corners (Steps 16-18)
Step16: Identifying Top Layer Patterns
step 16
In this section, we will be twisting the corners so all pieces on the top-layer match the center (green). This section involves pattern recognition and as we become more familiar with solving the cube we will recognize the quickest way to solve this section.
The first picture shows that one of the corners is turned the correct way (green on top). We have placed this corner in the left layer on the top. We find this to be the best pattern to solve this section quickly.
Note: No turns for the first pic. The cube was rotated to place the correct corner on the top-left.
Notice the orientation of the green/white/red block (green is facing the right-face rather than the red face). We know from this pattern that we will need to do the Part[6] algorithm 2 times to complete Part[6].
If we don't have this pattern from the first picture, we can play around with the cube by using the Part[6] algorithm and learn the patterns of the top-layer, and how they change after each iteration of the algorithm.
We have now completed one iteration of the algorithm. We rotate the top to realign the corners to their correct places on the cube in the last picture.
Notice the pattern of the top-layer, it still only has 1-corner turned the correct way; however, the green/white/red corner has been twisted (along with the other corners). From this pattern, one more iteration of the algorithm will solve this step.
Step18: 2nd Iteration of the Part[6] Algorithm
step 18
Turns: R, T, R, T, R, 'T', R
We're not going to show the images for the algorithm again, but here is how the cube looks when Part[6] is complete. We can continue to use the algorithm as many times as need to complete Part[6].
Part[7]: Place the Remaining Edges (Steps 19-20)
Step19: Identifying Final Algorithm
step 19-a
step 19-b
There's a small chance that our cube may be solved when we complete Part[6], but most commonly we will have 1-side complete with 3-incorrect edges on the other sides. We rotated the top to align the corners and rotated the cube to show the next 2-pictures.
Note: There's a chance that we will not have any solved sides. We will need to use the Part[7] algorithm 2 times to solve the cube, otherwise we will only need to complete the algorithm 1 time.
Additionally, make note of the direction the incorrect edges need to be moved to be placed in the correct positions. The next algorithm will depend on this direction. The algorithm will be the same except the turns for the top-layer will be in the same direction as we noted for the direction the edges. In this case the edges need to be moved in a clockwise direction, so the algorithm will require clockwise rotations of the top-layer.
Step20: Final Algorithm
step 20-a
step 20-b
step 20-c
step 20-d
step 20-e
step 20-f
step 20-g
step 20-h
step 20-i
Turns: 'F', T, L, R, 'F', L, R, T, 'F'
If our edges require a counterclockwise turn, the 2-turns for the top layer should be changed to counterclockwise as well.
Some important things to remember as we work to improve our solving time; we should know the steps in the correct order, understand how to solve each step, and memorize the algorithms, but the most important thing is to see the solution not just look at the solution.
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube For Beginners (Youtube Video)
In this youtube video, it shows us how to easily solve the original Rubik's Cube Puzzle.
This video is gonna be a little different it's gonna show us how to solve the 3x3 by 3 Rubik's
Cube there's easier ways to do it but this is still really easy so let's get started!
(See the video below)
First Layer
White Cross
Flip Edge: F' U L' U'
White on Left: D' R' D R
White on Right: R' D' R
White on Bottom: R' 2D R D
Middle Layer
Edge Belongs on the Left: U' L' U L U F U' F'
Edge Belongs on the Right: U R U' R' U' F' U F
Last Layer
Getting the Cross
From Dot: (Hold dot in any position): F R U R' U' F'
From L (Hold L in top left): F R U R' U' F
From Bar (Hold bar horizontally): F R U R' U' F'
Positioning the Cross
Two colors are across from each other
(Hold so one of the colors faces you): R U R' U R 2U R'
Two colors are adjacent to each other
(Hold so one of the colors is to your right and the other is in the back):
R U R' U R 2U R' U
Positioning Corners
If NO corners are positioned: U R U' L' U R' U' L
Hold the solved corner in the top right: U R U' L' U R' U' L
(Repeat until all four corners are positioned correctly)
Orienting Corners (FINAL STEP)
Hold unsolved corners in the top right corner: R' D' R D
(Repeat until all four corners are oriented correctly)
How to Solve the Rubik's Cube! (Beginner Method)
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube For Beginners (PDF) Download
This PDF file (ebook version) turned out to be a very good solution guide for solving the rubik's cube game. It uses complete step by step images to guide you through every single turn of the cube so it's incredibly easily to follow. We would recommend this PDF file to anyone trying to solve the rubik's cube game.
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